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Yesterday morning, I had to take my cat Terra to the vet and I found out Terra needs surgery to drain an infected abscess and also have her teeth cleaned to remove a bad buildup of plaque and possibly the removal of a rotten tooth. There was a bite at the base of her tail that swelled up and was really painful for her. So surgery had to be booked so that she'd be put under to have the abscess drained. Terra has also lost weight because she hasn't been able to eat well because of her teeth. The estimated bill for both procedures is going to be $600+ and definitely a lot more if she needs the tooth removed. I'm opening up all of my commission options at a heavily discounted price and I ask that if anyone can, please consider donating. For anyone that donates however much, I'm happy to draw a sketch for you too.


I'm pretty gutted that after finally finishing all of the commissions that were ordered for Yuki's surgery last year, I have to reopen special commissions for Terra's surgery. Please refer to the attached image for all the art types that I'm offering at a huge discount and view my website for the current commissions list. Not that I have changed my currency from USD to NZD so everything is even cheaper than it was before.


Photos and videos will be posted along with health updates to let you know how Terra's doing. For now she has a high temperature, isn't eating or drinking. So if you can, please order a commission or donate a few dollars but if you can't do either, that's okay! I would love some positive words and vibes because I'm feeling really down at the moment that this is happening again.


Click here to view the Commissions List.

To order, please send an email to :

To donate, please go to my Streamelements Tipping page.

Update 1: 28/02/2024






























Update 2 : 1/03/2024
Terra returned from the vet yesterday, was injected with fluids, vitamins and went through a health check. Vet suggested that Terra could have had a reaction to coming off the sedation which is why she threw up and isn't eating/drinking. Also advised I should get some prescription diet Urgent Care cat food which encourages pets to eat during their recovery from surgery. Also got some big syringes so that I can feed and give her water that way if she's not eating/drinking enough on her own. I did this for Yuki before so I was confident I'll be able to help Terra eat and drink that way until she can manage on her own. She's really struggling to manage with her cone.


Got Terra home, feeding her with the special cat food through the syringe and am happy as half the time she's eating it on her own. But she's not drinking on her own so I'm making her drink water with the syringe every hour/half hour just to try and even give her half of what her body weight requires her to drink in a day. She hates being made to drink but is adjusting to it little by little and struggling less.


I managed to get 6 hours sleep last night compared to the 2.5 hours i got the day before. Terra's energy levels have picked up and she's resumed her struggles to escape my room (she hates being kept in my room for long periods of time). I also hate being in my room because in the afternoon, the sun streams through my windows and the room becomes an oven. She'll still be kept in my room for 1 more week while her tail heals but right now, her health is improving which means I don't have to stress as much. The donations and commission orders so far have been a HUGE help with her medicals bills, thank you Darlinghusbando, Jinxgybzy and Cherylywheryly so much! Thank you to those who've sent kind words too, it meant so much to me! 

Update 3 : 02/03/2024 

Have returned from the vet. Terra's drain has been removed and her tail is healing very well. Since I've been hand watering and hand feeding her, she's gained back the weight she had prior to surgery which is great news too. Have been told she may not be eating or drinking on her own because of the cat cone and how uncomfortable it must be for her. Cone will get removed after a week once her tail has fully healed. So until then, I'll be monitoring her food and water intake and helping her gain the weight she used to have (about 5kg).


I had 3 hours of sleep today before Terra started to act up trying to escape my room. She'll scratch the carpet by my door or try to claw through my window blinds to attempt to get out. So I can't sleep while she's trying to destroy my room. Other news, because I've had to keep my door closed and move a few things about, Yuki hasn't liked that and isn't eating or drinking as much as she used to so she's lost A LOT of weight. Which means she's joining her sister in being cooped up in my room for a week while I make her eat and drink to have her gain weight again. I'll be starting work on Surgery coms on Sunday morning and won't be doing any afternoon streams for awhile. 5pm - 9pm is the hottest times of day for me so I'm busy overheating because my door and windows HAVE to be closed due to the cattos.

Update 4 : 04/03/2024

Terra magically broke the hard collar that she's been wearing when she tried to escape out my window. So now guess who's wearing her sister's soft collar? She looks so cute!!!! Poor Terra's had a terrible time because she cannot navigate around with the hard collar. Constantly bumping into things, can't walk properly cuz the edge of her collar is catching on the sides of walls and objects, can't eat or drink properly.


Hoping that now she's switched to a soft collar, eating and drinking is easier so I don't have to hand feed or water her. Her tail is healing very well and she's managing to eat the cat treats without any issue with her teeth. She won't need a cone by the end of Friday. I've also gotten almost a full 8 hours sleep last night without being woken up. Floof has been given freedom because after weighing her with a scale, it's acceptable. I'll still need to set out special food for her and water her to try and get her weight up to the ideal healthy range though.

Update 5 : 10/03/2024

Update 6 : 15/03/2024

Terra's surgery and aftercare has been fully paid from the donations and commissions that were recieved. Thank you so much, we really appreciated your kindness from the bottom of our hearts. It made the ordeal easier to go through. Commissions will be worked on during Twitch streams so be sure to tune in to watch them being worked on! 

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